Counselor for Women in Relationships in Englewood, Colorado

Find Connection. Be Heard. Experience Fulfillment.


Does it feel like you are constantly struggling to make your relationships work?

You work hard and give your all to everything you do, including your relationships.  It’s frustrating when you put so much in and feel like you don’t receive the same in return.  No matter how many times or different ways you say something, it feels like the person on the other end of the conversation just does not understand what you are saying.   You ask for your needs to be met the best way you know how, but you constantly feel let down.  Maybe you are left in tricky situations trying to figure out how to say what you are feeling without seeming rude, needy or dismissive.  You are tired of feeling lonely even though you are exhausting yourself trying to build healthy relationships.

Your significant other rolls their eyes when you start talking about how frustrated you are with your friends and your friends get tired of hearing about the difficulties you are having with your partner.  There is nowhere to turn!  Even worse is the unsolicited advice others give about how you should handle these situations.  You start to question if you are being judged yourself or if your whole relationship is being judged.  You definitely don’t want asking for help to ruin two relationships in one swift swoop.

We need to live in connection with each other to Thrive-

especially as women!


Humans are social creatures and need one another to survive.   Without connecting emotionally with others you are not your best self. You feel lonely and often anxiety and depression creep in.  It can be easier to isolate than to keep working at maintaining healthy relationships. It becomes hard to focus on work because your relationships in the workplace aren’t ideal or you are worried about your romantic relationships or friendships.  

Romantic Relationships

Many times women struggle with romantic relationships and having their needs met.  From feeling truly heard and respected by a partner, to dealing with abuse, relationships are complex and so are the problems that come with them.  When you are experiencing difficulties with the people in your innermost circle- your significant other- life feels more overwhelming and the emotions that you need to express start to fester.  You feel like it’s only a matter of time until you start to unravel and your relationships come crashing down with you.

If you are feeling…

  • Totally disconnected

  • Isolated

  • More alone than ever

…then you are in the right place


How Therapy Works

Therapy is the safe place that allows you to practice the skills you need in the outside world.  Let’s talk about what you have difficulty with in relationships and how we can make those aspects a little less difficult. Let’s also touch on what you feel you do well and use that knowledge to work on how you can grow based on those strengths.

Our relationship, being one built on trust and respect, lends itself to being a great place to find out what boundaries are important to you and how you can implement them in your life.   For most clients it is also helpful to have an objective third party that can recognize patterns that others do not.   Being able to name certain behaviors and know that you are not alone when it comes to being in relationships where you are experiencing abuse, allows you to make room for growth.

Strong relationships build confidence, and when you feel like you can take on the world, your feelings become actions! Supportive relationships are the trampolines that allow you to reach greater heights in your life, be that in the workplace, friendships or at home.  It’s easier to take calculated risks when you know you have a soft place to land where you can process your experiences and have your needs met. 

Encourage yourself to do things you never thought possible by being:

  • understood

  • seen for who you are

  • loved (flaws and all)

  • respected

Connect with meaning and find purpose again

How’s your relationship with yourself?

Healthy relationships can build you up, offer hope, and allow you to be at your peak.  Usually, to have the best relationship with others, it requires you to look at your relationship with yourself first.   This can be one of the hardest but most rewarding steps you can take. 

Counseling for relationships can help you:

  • Identify and express your needs more clearly

  • Establish your boundaries

  • Implement boundaries that make you feel confident and safe

  • Identify healthy and unhealthy patterns in relationships

  • Improve your relationship with yourself

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The short answer? Any and all!

    We can work on:

    -Your relationship with yourself

    -Romantic relationships


    -Work relationships

    -Family relationships- your relationship with your parents, siblings, relatives or children

  • This type of therapy lends itself well to working on navigating communication skills, determining and setting boundaries, identifying and changing recurring patterns, and clarifying your needs in your relationship- amongst other things.

    Many people come in with concerns about their relationship and it turns out that what is really happening is that they have a need that they have not recognized, and therefore is not being met. Therapy helps you determine the specifics of what your needs are so that you can then start advocating for that need.

    Having boundaries in a relationship is also a huge determinant of happiness within that relationship. Therapy can help you clarify what your boundaries are and if the boundaries that are in place currently, are appropriate and sufficient for you. Working on this creates safety which allows healthy relationships to flourish.

  • YES! Working on your relationship starts with working on yourself and that benefits you and your partner. If you are happier with yourself, you are going to be happier within your relationship which is advantageous to both you and the relationship.

    It might be easy to think that working on a relationship by yourself could lead to you expressing more needs, being more assertive and having expectations for yourself as well as your partner- which could be intimidating for your partner. Instead, these attributes make a relationship easier. They lay a framework for the other person in the relationship to know what to expect, what you will and will not tolerate, and allow them to see you more fully as yourself. Afterall, the goal of a relationship is to have your needs met and to meet the needs of the other person. You might just inspire them to work on themself!!

    The beauty of having individual therapy to help with your relationship concerns is that we can discuss what is going on without feeling the pressure of another person in the room. Then we can work on how to communicate exactly what it is that you are feeling and how it needs to change. You can practice and decide how you want to say what you need before entering into a conversation where there are more demands and stressors in the environment.

  • No, this is not couple’s therapy. We can, however, talk about if it is appropriate for you to bring your significant other to a session on occasion, as long as the purpose of this interaction is for your benefit. It is ultimately, YOUR therapy and I’m here to support you.


You don’t have to suffer in the silence of loneliness